Using Form-Specific Page Level Options

Use this option on the Display Form screen to set page level options for Currency, Fields, Date and Time Stamp, Compute Options and Font for the form in display. Page level Options override previously set program options for that particular form.

To set Page Level Options:

  1. Click My Clients under Clients menu.
    This opens My Clients screen with a list of all clients added to your account.
  2. Select the required client and click Display Client's Forms option from the top toolbar.
    This will open Display Forms screen with a list of all forms associated with the client in the tree-view list on the left.
  3. Double-click a form description to display it on the right.
  4. Once the form is in display, click Page Level Options button from the top toolbar.
  5. A dialogue box is displayed with a list of options. Check the boxes next to any required option to enable it.
    (Uncheck the boxes next to any option to disable it.)
  6. Select from Apply Settings to This Page Only or Apply Settings to All Pages of the Selected Form per your requirement.
  7. Click OK

Note: To return to your original settings, click Restore Defaults at the bottom of the dialog box. Jurisdictional requirements override any changes you make to settings. For example, if a federal or state agency requires a certain size font for a particular form, that option will not be updated if you change it.