Support Home> Pay an Invoice Online

Pay an Invoice Online

To pay an invoice, complete the information below. You can pay multiple invoices using the same credit card by clicking the Add More Invoice Payments to this Card button. Then click Submit to authorize your payments. Correct any errors and click Submit again. When all payments are authorized, you will have an opportunity to print a receipt.

Credit Cards only please, Debit cards are not accepted.

NOTE: This online payment process is for Tax & Accounting - Checkpoint invoices only.
For payments for other Thomson Reuters businesses, please refer to your invoice.

  1. Enter your account number (default = UNKNOWN)
  2. Numbers only, no dashes.
  3. Enter the code on your card.
    What's this?
  4. MMYY format

  5. You can find your invoice number on your invoice. View a sample of an invoice.
    You can also find invoice numbers on your past due notice. View a sample of a past due notice.
  6.  Amount $
  7.  Amount $
  8.  Amount $
  9.  Amount $
  10.  Amount $
  1. Note: The maximum amount that can be charged per invoice line is $25,000.00.
    If your invoice is more than $25,000.00, please break it up into multiple lines.
  2. Please answer the following Security Question to prove you are human.
    Do the math and enter the result below.
  3. 15720+59 =

For questions, call Support at 1-800-431-9025, option 2.