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Using the Table of Contents Screen

Checkpoint's Table of Contents screen, accessed from Checkpoint's menu bar, provides access to all of the sources available to you through your subscription. Content is organized hierarchically into broad practice area categories. You can drill down through levels of content to find individual documents.

Click the "+" symbol next to a title to view its contents, or click the title name to display a Table of Contents screen listing the title and its contents.
Click the number of the Table of Contents level you want to view. Level 1 displays only the high-level Table of Contents source titles. Level 2 expands sources to the next content level. Level 3 expands sources even further.
To perform a keyword search enter search terms, select the sources to search, and then click Search. You can perform a keyword search in two ways: A Terms & Connectors search lets you provide one or more keyword terms, and an Intuitive Search identifies sentences, connectors, or citations, and interprets your query accordingly. Use the Thesaurus/Query Tool for advanced search features.
The Jump To options provide navigation to content and tools, including Titles, which lets you create a custom set of links to topical sections of the Table of Contents, and Form/Line Finder, which lets you search tax form guidance by entering a tax year, form number, and line number.
Print documents from the Table of Contents by clicking the print icon next to a document in the list. To print multiple documents, hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard and click on the Print icon next to the documents you want to print.

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