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Setting the News Options

The Options pop-up window displays Checkpoint's current or default settings. You can use this window to set your own preferences for the four sets of News options. Each set lets you configure a different aspect of Checkpoint News including view, display, and e-mail newsletters, and RSS feeds.

To set the news options:

  1. On the top toolbar, click Options.

    The Options window appears.

  2. On the left navigation bar, click News.
  3. Select the News settings for News Service, News E-mail/Display, Journals E-mail, RSS Feeds.

    News Service

    Select the Default News Service you want to appear when you click the News menu: 

    After selecting the default view, click Save and close.

    News E-mail/Display

    Use the News E-mail/Display option to subscribe to and select the format and display settings for the following newsletters:

    Newsletters will be sent to the e-mail address you specify in the Personal/Password options.

    Click the following links to learn more about the newsletter options.

    Journals E-mail

    This option lets you specify which WG&L Tax Journals, WG&L Financial Reporting and Management, World Trade Executive Publications, and BNA Publications journals you want to receive through e-mail. There are two options for receiving the journals, although not all journals have both options available:

    You can select both options to receive an e-mail notification when a new issue is available and to receive article highlights.

    When you have completed adjusting your journal e-mail options, click Save and close.

    Note: For WG&L Financial Reporting and Management, BNA Publications, and World Trade Executive Publications journals, you can select to receive only a complete journal. The journal preview option is not available for these publications.

    RSS Feeds

    This option provides links to add RSS Feeds for RIA News Content to your RSS reader. Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a web-based technology that lets you automatically receive updated headlines and news feeds for Checkpoint newsletter content. To receive and view an RSS feed you must have an RSS reader installed through your browser or from your local desktop.

    To enable a Checkpoint RSS newsletter feed, right-click the RSS Icon icon next to each newsletter, and then click Copy Shortcut from the menu. (In Firefox, you select Copy Link Location from the menu.) Paste the URL into your RSS reader to set up the feed.

  4. After making changes to the News options, click Save and close to save the changes.

    Note: If necessary, you can click Cancel to return to the original settings.

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