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Using Search Connectors Examples

Connectors define relationships between keywords to narrow or expand the scope of your search. See the examples in the following table for when and how to use search connectors.

To: Use: Examples:
Search for all keywords &

Searches for documents containing at least one instance of each of your keywords. No restriction on proximity or location of words in relation to each other.

Example: funding & deficiency

Finds: documents containing both search terms: funding and deficiency.

Search for any keywords |, OR

Searches for documents containing at least one instance of either of your keywords.

Example: reimbursement | proceeds; reimbursement OR proceeds

Finds: documents containing either or both words: reimbursement or proceeds.

Exclude keywords ^

Searches for one keyword but not when the other keyword appears in the document.

Example: deferred & compensation ^ pension

Finds: documents containing the keywords: deferred and compensation, but not when pension appears in the document.

Search for phrase and variations " "

Searches for the given terms in the order presented - phrase search.

Example: "partnership deduction"

Finds: documents containing the phrase partnership deduction and variations.

Search for an exact phrase "" and #

Searches for an exact phrase.

Example: "software #as #a service"

Finds: documents containing the exact phrase "software as a service".

Find keyword variation

* (asterisk)

Place the asterisk sign at the end of a word to search for a variety of endings. The asterisk is a placeholder for 0 or more characters.

Example: deprecia*

Finds: documents containing terms beginning with the letters deprecia: depreciation, depreciate, depreciable, and so forth.

Limit keyword variation # (number sign)

Use the number sign to disable Checkpoint's automatic inclusion of equivalencies and plurals for the search term. The number sign must immediately precede the search term to be effective.

Example: #damage

Finds: damage

Does not find: damages, damaged

Find keyword variation ? (question mark)

Use the question mark to replace a single character in a search term. You can use this wildcard more than once in a single word.

Example: s????holder

Finds: stockholder, shareholder

Find keyword variation - (hyphen)

Use the hyphen to find variations of compound words.

Example: e-mail

Finds: e-mail, email, e mail

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